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Are Final Drives, Hydraulic Motors, and Track Motors all the Same?

A lot of people are using the final drive, travel motor, hydraulic motor …… But are they really exactly the same?


Track Motor

The Track Motor is a critical part of an excavator’s hydraulic drive system. Its primary purpose is to transmit power from the main hydraulic pump to the final drive motor, allowing it to generate torque and ultimately move the excavator. Track Motors are powerful components that require regular maintenance in order to ensure proper operation. In addition, Track Motors should be checked for damage and wear as any issues can lead to decreased performance or potential failure of the entire system. It is important for operators to understand how Track Motors work and take necessary steps to maintain them correctly, making sure they continue to provide reliable service. By doing so, Track Motors will ensure an excavator’s overall system remains functioning properly for years to come.

Final Drive

The final drive is an essential part of a vehicle’s drivetrain. It helps to transmit power from the engine to the wheels, enabling them to move. This makes it an integral component of any motorized vehicle. There are several types of final drives available, such as spur gears and bevel gears. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, making it important for buyers to research their options before investing in one. Additionally, some vehicles require specific types of final drives in order to function properly. As such, identifying the correct type for your vehicle should be a priority when shopping for a new or replacement final drive.

Hydraulic Motor

Hydraulic motors are a critical component of modern hydraulic machinery. Hydraulic pressure and flow are converted into torque and angular displacement (rotation) by the motor, enabling controlled movement in various applications such as industrial, agricultural, construction, or automotive. Hydraulic motors can provide high power density and low speed control compared to other actuators such as electric motors or pneumatic cylinders. Hydraulic fluids are used to transmit power from the pump to the motor, allowing for greater force generation than with other methods. Hydraulic motors offer reliable performance with minimal maintenance requirements, making them an ideal choice for many scenarios. Whether it’s in an industrial manufacturing setting or even something more recreational like off-roading, hydraulic motors power machines that make daily life possible. Hydraulic motors are an essential part of our modern world.


The differences between track motors, final drive motors, and hydraulic motors are significant. Track motors provide the power for an excavator to move, while final drive motors provide the torque that allows it to turn its tracks. Hydraulic motors, on the other hand, convert hydraulic pressure and flow into torque and angular displacement (rotation). All of these components work together in order to enable an excavator to perform its various come down to their functions. While the two are related, it’s certainly important to know what sets them apart when getting new parts. When referring to a final drive motor, this typically means the hydraulic motor and the planetary gear hub, while a travel motor signifies only a hydraulic motor. If you are in need of Quality travel motors and final drive parts.

WEITAI Final Drives is a great place to find the parts you need. Get in touch with us today to find out more about our products and services! We look forward to helping you get the parts you need for your excavator. Thank you for reading this article on track motors, final drive motors, and hydraulic motors.
